Aims and Objectives
a) To Democratization and Development of people life.
b) To protect human rights in India.
c) To oppose all kinds of conservative and obscurants ideologies.
d) To oppose all kinds of feudal, fascist and communal tendencies / ideologies in society.
e) To seek unite with all progressive, democratic, secular, liberal and left forces at National level.
f) To protect rights of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, women, children & minorities.
g) To conduct awareness programmes in colleges, universities and schools about democracy promotion.
h) To work towards the enactment of laws like public grievence tribunal acts, citizen charter act, whistle blowers protection act and other such public interest acts.
i) To work towards amendment of RTI Act, 2005 for 3 months imprisonment for who will not give information willfully.
j) To establish institution for democracy promotion.
k) To protect Indian constitution and fundamental rights for welfare of society.
l) To work towards good governance in Govt. Institutions.
m) To give suggestion to Union government and State governments for democracy protection.
n) To deepen relationships will all stake holders in the fight against corruption.
o) To work towards an enactment of the following legislation’s.
(i) The access to information legislation.
(ii) Electoral / Political parties finance act.
(iii) Whistle blowers protection and rewards act.
(iv) Assets declaration legislation.
p) To work towards police reforms, administrative reforms, judicial reforms and legislative reforms.
q) To continue with advocacy and awareness programmes in order to encourage citizen vigilance.
r) To advocate the recognition of corruption and economic crimes as against nation and humanity.
s) To encourage a democratic and effective party candidature selection process before elections to keep persons implicated in corruption out of parliament.
t) To work towards enactment more legislation’s to curb public servants misuse of power, red tapism, corruption, favouritism and quid pro quo.
u) To raise funds, collect donations, receive gifts or property of movable or immovable on behalf of the association.
v) To pay all costs charges and expenses incidental to the management and administration of the association.
w) To do all other things which are incidental for the achievement of the above objectives.
All the above aims and objectives are without any profit motive.