Join as a member


Membership Eligibility


Any person residing within the Union of India with dedication to protect democratic rights is eligible for membership. S/he should have faith and owe allegiance to DRA and willing to abide by the constitution and by-laws of DRA as also its rules and regulations.



Membership Categories


Life Membership

    Any person who fulfills membership criteria can become a life member by paying Fee- Rs.5000/-    

Founder Membership

Any person who fulfills membership criteria can become a founder member by paying Fee-10000/-

General Membership

any person who fulfills membership criteria can become a general member by paying Fee-200/-

general membership is valid only one year eriod


Join as a volunteer without paying any fee, by mentionaning your work and ability to work with us.


    along with above membership any body can send donations to us







Please send a cheque / DD  to The


8-252, Beside andhra bank ,

court road,

Anantapuram- 515001  A.P , INDIA

we will send you a receipt certificate by post soon.


You may also transfer directly to our account by depositing in your local STATE BANK OF INDIA cash or a cheque in favour of DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS ASSOCIATION

Account number – 10873653532, anantapuram branch