Donate Now


DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS ASSOCIATION ( DRA )  is a registered association is present working in andhra pradesh for democratic rights protection and Promotion.

At present every rupee that we receive is used towards spreading awareness about democratic rights, specifically human rights, coruuption, and legal literacy education. We are also raising money to build DRA into a democratic rights protection organisation and a centre where people can come to learn about their rights . If you have any questions about where your money will go, or if you would like to specify where it should be used, please do no hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your donation. Every little bit helps us.

Please send a cheque / DD  to The


8-252, Beside andhra bank ,

court road,

Anantapuram- 515001  A.P , INDIA

we will send you a receipt certificate by post soon.


You may also transfer directly to our account by depositing in your local STATE BANK OF INDIA cash or a cheque in favour of DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS ASSOCIATION

Account number – 10873653532, anantapuram branch

Or you may do a direct transfer from your bank account into our account, if available in your city

RTGS/NEFT  IFSC code – SBIN0000806

Account number –10873653532

If you do a direct transfer, please inform us by email – or call us +91 9491749955 We will acknowledge your email as soon as we receive it, and we will send you a receipt and a certificate by post soon.

If you are doing a transaction in INR from overseas you may need our swift code. The SWIFT CODE is.or call us +91 9491749955


                                                                   DRA BUDGET PER YEAR

Respected sir,

        DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS ASSOCIATION is a registered association is present working in Andhra Pradesh for democratic rights protection and Promotion. We have also future plans to work all over India.

At present every rupee that we receive is used towards spreading awareness about democratic rights, specifically human rights, corruption, and legal literacy education. We are also raising money to build DRA into a democratic rights protection organization and a centre where people can come to learn about their rights. If you have any questions about where your money will go, or if you would like to specify where it should be used, please do not hesitate to contact us.

                                                    Budget proposal per year

Planning budget:

Office rent per month  Rs.4500                                                     12 X4500                                     54,000

 Office expenditure for paper, water, printing, news paper bill,                                                                                                                                    internet charges and phone bill etc. per month Rs.2000                   12 X 2000                                   24,000

 Clerk cum computer operator salary per mont Rs. 8000                    12 X 6000                                  96,000

 Travelling expenditure per month Rs. 3000                                       12 X 3000                                  36,000

 Other office miscellaneous expenditure Rs.1000 per month                12 x 1000                                 12,000

 Office attainder salary per month 6000                                             12 x 6000                                  72,000

  Total:                                                                                                                                        Rs.294,000



                                                           Non planning budget

To file public interest litigation cases in high courts and Supreme Court. Approximately                 Rs.200000

To protest anti public decisions, to organize rallies, conduct workshops and other extra activities    Rs.300000                                                                 

Total:                                                                                                                                     Rs. 500,000



  Total planning and Non planning budget needed                                                                Rs.794,000




                                                 OBJECTS WANTED  FOR OFFICE MAINTAINANCE

         we are requesting to you please donate the following and encourage us to protect Democratic rights of people.

  Object name                                                                 Quantity 

 Desktop computer with C.P.U                                                   01   

  ( used or new )                                                                                                                    

 Printer cum scanner (Used or new)                                            01


 Digital camera (Used or new)                                                     01


 Office Table (Used or New)                                                         01


 Office chairs (Used or new)                                                        10



Four wheeler (used or new)                                                          01  


            We thank you for your interest in supporting our work. Please send Cheque/DD in favor of “Democratic Rights Association” Payable at Anantapuramu at the following address:

      Thank you for your donation. Every little bit helps us.

Please send a cheque / DD to The


8-252,Beside andhra bank, court road,

Anantapuram- 515001 A.P , INDIA           

Phone: +919491749955